Leadership Trainer

Human Collaborator

Grade V Operator


Business Growth Specialist

Robert m. Donaldson

Our very own CEO, Robert M. Donaldson, also known as Bob is a long time Grade V Operator with the State of California. He has been working at treatment plants non-stop since 1979 and after 45 years he has developed various coaching resources that place collaborative solutions at the center stage for complex work equations. Bob has taken the best field- tested research, including his own experiences over 40 years of leadership, and our evolutionary past to bring a simple formula that massively improves productivity, mission success, and job satisfaction, all at the same time. With LAC’s leadership tools you can attract and keep your best talent forevermore.

“In order to accurately collaborate in an organization all employees must agree to achieve the clear, impactful mission. All must synergistically work together to achieve the mission and to generate a positive work culture.”

- Bob Donaldson, CEO of The Lost Art of Collaboration